Free Initial 30-Minute Consultation

Let’s figure out how we can work together! Together we’ll have a look at what you have and where you are in the process and determine how best I can assist.

Coaching / Consulting

Whatever the project, we will establish a process, set goals & deadlines, determine accountability measures, brainstorm, organize thoughts & ideas, and troubleshoot.

Developmental Editing

Resolving “big picture” elements of your piece. In a nonfiction work, this can mean strengthening the thesis, ensuring that evidence and examples support this thesis, etc. In fiction, this can include working through character and plot elements, and addressing structural concerns.


Going through your work with a fine-tooth comb and addressing all grammatical, syntactical, and punctuation errors.

German to English Translation

Translating your work from German to English.

Projects vary, just as my clients’ needs and financial means do. Let’s have a conversation to determine how we might best work together and what is possible. Please use the Contact Form to reach out.

A Little More About Me

Though my academic home has been in German Studies, my interests, research, and teaching are better characterized as being rooted in the humanities at large. Aside from my deep love of working with scholars and students throughout their writing journey, I am also very proud of my work with my colleagues at the Black German Heritage and Research Association. In my role there as Executive Director of Education Initiatives, I’ve co-developed and co-taught two classes—Black German Art & Resistance and Race, Gender, Migration—at the university level with my friend and President of the BGHRA, Dr. Rosemarie Peña. We have also spoken and written at length about aligning our teaching with our core values: transparency, accessibility, collaboration, and community.